Why I Joined the Board: When I was informed about FAAZ’s existence, I immediately knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. Being able to help and advocate for others is something I was always passionate about at a young age. Therefore I knew that my involvement in this board was a definite way to turn my thoughts and dreams into action.
My Passion: To say I like helping people is an understatement. As a matter a fact, my whole life’s goal revolves around the pursuit to help people. My passion is to aid the less fortunate and to improve the lives of others. On my free time, I enjoy exploring downtown cities and trying their local cafe shops with my friends. I also compete at Super Smash Bro’s tournament’s and love learning new ways to cook.
Where I’m Going This Year: Entering my Junior year, I aspire to continue my academic success and apply to colleges. In addition, I plan being more involved within the fostering community with the help of this program of course!
The Unique Perspective I Bring to the Board: What I learned throughout these past couple of years is to always keep an open-mind and to never settle for what’s expected. I plan on bringing these values to the board as well as my experience of teen-independence, speech writing, and desire to help people.