Last month, three FAAZ Young Adult Board Members traveled to San Antonio, Texas for the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Youth Engagement Conference. This two-day long event focused on youth voice as the driver behind race, ethnicity, equity and inclusion conversations. FAAZ Board Member, Ashley Pacheco, spoke at the conference and shared her experience.
Ashley believes that engaging young people in these conversations is extremely important. In her opinion, we all come from different backgrounds and while many adults can deliver a moving speech, when it comes from another young person it can help youth feel more connected. In her own words, “authentically engaging youth is really important because it is the foundation on how to talk to youth and how to connect to youth.” Ashley feels that when organizations engage youth directly it demonstrates that they are “not talking for you, but with you.”
Ashley enjoyed several of the guest speakers at the conference. One speaker in particular, Jerry Tello of National Compadres Network, brought Ashley comfort when she found out they were from the same hometown. Even though Jerry didn’t experience foster care, he understood and shared similar experiences growing up a young person of color. In this way, it validated her own personal experiences.
The trip also served as an opportunity for Ashley to connect with her fellow Board Members. They shared their stories and reflected on the commonalities and differences between them. Ashley brings home a greater sense of connection as well as the tools to engage in potentially uncomfortable conversations regarding race equity.